Thursday, June 16, 2016

This quilt needs a name!

I'm ready to begin my new quilt but I still need a name for it.

I was inspired by a quilt I saw recently at a quilt show. It's a version of Courthouse Steps so I believe we are dealing with a pattern that falls in the public domain area.

I shared my first block in a recent post....
I'm not terribly happy with this block, but it taught me that I'll have to think about the fabrics a bit not a total waste of time!

I think the first row around the centre piece doesn't have enough contrast, so I've tried a second block. This one I figured I should concentrate on light and dark values so I could "see" it better...
Better, but still not just right. Now I think the best thing to do is to alternate the rows with warm and cool colours...
I like this one! All three will be included in the quilt. They will play together quite nicely...

I'm hoping some of you may choose to do this quilt, as well. It would make a great "leaders and enders" project. 

Below are my instructions if you do decide to sew along with me. I am by no means owning these I said, they would be public domain. 

Start with a 2" square for your centre and sew on the first round...
....then the second round...

....and the third...
Here is what you need for each block...

Centre  -  2"square
1st Round - (2) 1"x 2" and (2) 1"x 3"
2nd Round - (2) 1"x 3" and (2) 1"x 4"
3rd Round - (2) 1"x 4" and (2) 1"x 5"

A friend gave me a tip recently for doing blocks like this. It was to cut pieces you need and put them neatly stacked in a container/basket/box ready for times when you can sew for a bit. I like that idea and it's what I plan to do.

Here's my start, lol.....

Not very elegant looking, but enough to give you an idea! I think I may have to stop somewhere and get a pretty basket for this project.

We went to Twisted Lemon on Wednesday for a celebratory lunch (I will wait 'til next time to tell you what was celebrated!). As always the food was awesome. The server asked if I had saved room for dessert....I answered, "no, but I'll have some anyway"!

Their creme brulée is to die for!


I will be attending Quilt Canada on Friday. I wish it was today as I don't think I can work....I seem to have contract Tennis Elbow and it's so tender and painful. Maybe I'll get a quilt on the machine and give it a try.

I didn't feel much like breakfast today so I just had a bit of toast and peanut butter. I always say the 3 "p's" are a dog's favourite....peanut butter, pizza and popcorn. Here are my little beggars...
....and, yes, they did get a morsel.

Have a great day!

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