I've realised that I may have taken on some quilting projects that I don't love, so it could be time to cut them loose....just to give myself a break! There are too many beautiful quilts to be made. It doesn't make sense to me to be working on some just because you happen to have started them.
But as soon as I make that decision, another project tempts me!
I've had a pattern by Jen Kingwell for a while now and wasn't sure when I'd ever get around to it. It's called Sweet Greens and Beans.

Haven't I stumbled across a Facebook "support group" that is just starting this quilt together!!! What's a girl to do? (don't answer...rhetorical question!)
We'll see...if it's an easy-going time-frame maybe I'll take part.
It's been a first-time sleepover at Grandma's for my grandson. I'm sure I'll need a nap this afternoon! I'll just have to push on thru' though for a couple of days as there are some very busy days ahead!
I'm preparing for my trunk show at the Hagersville Guild on Monday evening. So, this afternoon will be spent packing up my quilts. It should have been done by now but the days are going by much to fast.
Then there is the new Tai Chi classes to fit into the schedule! We've been to a couple now....and quite enjoying it! I'm a little achey, but it's a good kind of ache.
I did take some time on Friday during my lunch break to prep the next border of FlowerGarden. It was a toss-up whether this would be next to work on or AuntieGreen'sGarden. It doesn't really matter which...I've set myself a goal of having them done for the Fair in 2017, so no problem!, (she says confidently, lol!).
I've neglected my hearts for the Quilty365/Year in My Life this month. This is definitely not a project that I want to let go by the wayside!
I don't have any rows of hearts sewn on since last time I reported in...
...but I do have a stack of hearts waiting to be appliqued...
I do love the horse fabric on this one!
My goal for May will be to catch up with my hearts. I'm still loving this quilt and the process.
I'm linking up with Audrey at Quilty Folk to see how others are doing on their Quilty365 blocks.
I have a few blocks to do to get up-to-date with my Splendid Sampler, but I did manage to get an easy one done while waiting for my grandson on Saturday. This one is called Lina's Gift by Pat Sloan...
Today was not a usual day for some slow stitching with my coffee since my grandson has my attention.
I did manage to do a wee bit on my Rowdy Flat Library Quilt, though!
I am linking up with Kathy's Quilts so we can check out what others are working on today.
I'm also linking up with Cynthia's post over at Oh Scrap!
Looking back, this post seems a bit choppy, but the best I can do while having a wee break while babysitting!
Have a great day!
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