Well, it's the end of the month already and I almost forgot to post my One Monthly Goal Finish for March! My goal was to get the main body of Farm Girl Vintage together....finally!!!....and I'm happy to say that I accomplished it!
I'm really happy with it. I think I will make a goal to have it done in time for the Fair this year. It still needs a pieced border, etc...but the end is in sight. I've had some extra sewing time. The longarm is not very busy at the moment so I'm taking advantage of the lull. Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts has been offering a mystery quilt....a new block every day for 15 days. Some days we make as few as 4 of the daily block....the other day we had to make 16. There will be 100 blocks total, which will make a nice lap-sized quilt.
I decided to do mine in 30's prints as I have a lot of them, and I do still love them. Here is mine after Day 11...
There are some bits I'm not too sure about, but it's staying as it is. I will name this quilt in some way to remember that it was made during this pandemic :( And...wouldn't you know it...Bonnie Hunter has started a new mystery quilt to keep us busy during isolation. At first I thought, "no way"...I want to concentrate on my UFOs. But I'm doing it....I haven't participated in her mystery quilts in quite a few years as they usually take place between American Thanksgiving and Christmas....a longarmer's absolute busiest time! Well, I'm not so busy at the moment, so I'm jumping in on this one! It's called the Unity Quilt-along and you can find Part One on her blog today, which you can see HERE.
You can have a look at her Intro post HERE to see Bonnie's suggestions about fabrics. One of my goals during social distancing is to make some sense of the sewing room and get it tidied and organised. I've been saying it for a few days now, and after I finish this post I will actually start. I think one of the things I will do is start a box for donation to the free table at the guilds...I'd like to part with 5 UFOs that I will never get back to doing. I'm sure I can come up with 5. I am linking up with Elm Street Quilts for the One Monthly Goal linky party.
My slow stitches have been a bit different lately. Instead of doing my regular daily applique I've gone back to a hobby from many years ago for me...knitting. I was talking to a knitter lately, saying that I'm a bit torn between knitting and working on current applique projects. She replied that I should give myself grace and work on whatever pleases me at the moment....so I'm knitting. To make it "ok" in my mind, I'm knitting Christmas presents for this year. By December my Christmas "shopping" should be done! Today I finished the second sock of this pair...
I just have to close up the toe with the Kitchener stitch, which I'll do later today. Yesterday was International Quilt Day...or Quilting Day???...not sure which, but I did my part and hung a quilt outside...
It was easy to pick which quilt to hang....the one that fit between the existing hooks on the porch won the honour. This is one of the first quilts I appliqued, I think....and it's now 20 years old!...
I'm pretty sure this was a Robert Callahan pattern offered in installments in McCall's Quilting magazine. It may have even been a mystery quilt, I can't remember. I do like taking part in mystery quilt sewalongs. And I was tempted to begin another by Kathy at Kathy's Quilts...such an enabler! You can see her post HERE. It is a mystery offered by Edyta Sitar at Laundry Basket Quilts. It's still early and it won't take much time to catch up if you'd like to join in. You can read about it at Edyta's blog in this post HERE. I did do the first two days and will do today's section later today. There will be 100 blocks to do over the fifteen days. It's not 100 different blocks....for instance, on Day 1 we made 4 of the same blocks which will be the four corners of the quilt. I will be putting a quarter of my blocks up on the design wall as we go along. Here is the design wall after Day 2, yesterday....
I am using an assortment of 30's prints since I have a nice big bin of them. That's all for today....stay safe everyone, and try to get out in the sunshine for a bit of Vitamin D...but in a safe way! I am linking up with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching. Visit her post and take some nice quiet time to see what other stitchers are up to today.